
2 Carnegie Mellon University students found dead; No threat to campus


PITTSBURGH — Two Carnegie Mellon University students were found dead Tuesday night in unrelated instances after one of the men was reported missing.

Roommates reported CMU freshman Elliott Glasgow missing over the weekend.

"I heard that he was a member of the Greek community, Phi Delta. I guess he disappeared Saturday evening. He didn't have his phone on him,” CMU sophomore Sheldon Smith said.

While students were going about their business late Wednesday afternoon, university officials learned of the death of Glasgow and of another student, Rajat Patra.

Officials released a statement, saying, in part: "We have no reason to believe that these deaths are connected and want to reassure you that there is no threat to other members of our community. As we share in your sorrow, we want to acknowledge how deeply upsetting these losses are to those who knew Elliott and Rajat and to the entire Carnegie Mellon community."

"I think we are taking it seriously because this is a close knit community,” graduate student Johnny Sun said.

University officials said Glasgow's body was found in an isolated area in his residence hall, while graduate student Patra died in his off-campus apartment.

An email was also sent to parents of CMU students, informing them of the students’ deaths.

The cause of death for either student hasn’t been released. Autopsies are planned for Glasgow and Patra.