
Complaints from North Side business owners leads to prostitution sting

Three people were arrested in connection with a prostitution crime after East Ohio Street business owners tipped police off about the activity.

Michelle Jones, Stephanie McCartel and Terrance Blackburn were arrested overnight Wednesday into Thursday and charged with prostitution.

The investigation started when the local office of the FBI and Pittsburgh police received word of women working in and around the East Ohio Street business corridor. Police said James and Suismon streets is where the most complaints were coming.

Local merchants said customers sidestep the activity day and night, and business owners said their complaints to police about the prostitutes paid off.

“You see them high as a kite hopping in and out of cars. You see them working corners,” said Barbara Burns, a former city councilwoman turned small business owner. “I just encourage my neighbors who come to the business district, ‘If you see something, you say something.”

Business owners said they fear the crimes they are seeing now would lead to more crime in the future.

“What we've pretty much said is, ‘No thank you,’” Burns said.