
Health Department issues rabies precautions after coyote bites person in Lincoln Borough

ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pa. — The Allegheny County Health Department is advising residents and pet owners to be cautious of stray and wild animals after a coyote bit a person in Lincoln Borough.

Officials said a coyote attacked an individual in Lincoln Borough Monday evening. The Lincoln Borough Police Department shot and killed the animal Tuesday morning.

Employees of the Pennsylvania Game Commission transported the animal to the Allegheny County Health Department lab, where it tested positive for rabies. All involved parties have been notified and the bite victim has already begun post-exposure treatment, officials said.

The Health Department is advising all residents to be cautious of stray and wild animals. Pet owners should also vaccinate their pets against rabies and keep them away from stray and wild animals. Officials said that since coyotes are pack animals, there may be others that are infected.

Any individual who is bitten, scratched or otherwise exposed to saliva from a stray or any other animal, should immediately cleanse the contact area with soap and water, seek emergency medical treatment and call the Allegheny County Health Department at 412-687-2243 to report the incident.

Heath officials said that when assisting a pet that has encountered wildlife or a stray animal, wear rubber gloves when handling the pet, cleanse any wounds with soap and water and take the pet to a veterinarian for examination.

Rabies is a virus transmitted by an animal bite or scratch. It is almost always fatal when left untreated. However, the rabies vaccine is highly effective when given promptly after an exposure.

Health department officials said the best prevention is to avoid stray animals, wild animals, or those acting strangely.

The coyote is the seventh rabid animal reported in Allegheny County this year, officials said.