
Parents address Plum School Board about ongoing investigation


PLUM, Pa. — Roughly 60 to 100 people attended the Plum School Board meeting Tuesday evening to voice concerns and frustrations about an ongoing police investigation involving high school teachers accused of having sex with students.

Last week, students at the school told Channel 11 News that they were threatened not to talk about what’s happening at the school on social media following a request from Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zappala for any more potential victims in the investigation to come forward.


The American Civil Liberties Union threatened legal action if the district did not retract the statements to students by noon Monday.

"What the school district and the Plum police did was not only unacceptable but unconstitutional,” said Vic Walczak, with the ACLU. “You cannot threaten to prosecute anybody, including students, for simply talking about a matter of public concern.”

However, the ACLU said the district’s clarification on the assembly - as described in a letter sent home to parents (see sidebar) – was accepted. An ACLU representative said what was said during the gathering was said to protect victims.

Meanwhile, parents who spoke at the school board meeting complained about the lack of communication from the district about the ongoing investigation.

“Every day I am trying to impress upon my son that these girls were victims, taken advantage of and you know what I hear back? ‘They wanted it.’ And that is indicative of the atmosphere at the school,” said parent Jennifer Turnsek.

Plum Senior High School teachers Jason Cooper and Joseph Ruggieri are facing charges for allegedly having sex with students. A third teacher, Drew Zoldak, is facing witness intimidation charges, accused of identifying Ruggieri's alleged victim in front of her classmates.

Channel 11’s Pamela Osborne remains at this evenings meeting and will have a live report on Channel 11 News at 11.