
Firefighter couple on leave after allegedly chopping child's hair off as punishment


WOOD COUNTY, Ohio — Two Toledo-area volunteer firefighters are on leave after a Facebook post about a girl's hair being chopped off as punishment, went viral.

The girl's mother posted on Facebook that the girl's father and stepmother, cut her daughter's long locks as punishment for getting her hair highlighted for her birthday.

Haskins Police Chief Colby Carroll confirmed his department and the Wood County Children’s Services agency are investigating a potential child abuse complaint, according to WXIN-TV.


"I've been doing this since '92 and I've never had a case I would say that's like this," Carroll said.

"Mom was upset with how her child was being cared for -- lack of better terms," he said.

"This is what my daughter looked like Sunday when I took her home and the other two pics is what happened today before she was brought to me… all over me having highlights put in her hair for her birthday!" the teen's mother posted on Facebook on Jan. 31.

Jennifer McVeight owns the Pear Tree Salon and had nothing to do with the girl's cut, but said, "Your hair is what really makes you feel good. If your hair looks good you feel good."

She believes the stylist that held the scissors is also at fault.

"What they did to that poor child, there's no framing there is no texture there's, it's a chopped off boyish hairstyle on her. I don't understand why they would want to humiliate their daughter like that," McVeight said.

Can a haircut be considered criminal? That's for prosecutors to decide.

The Middleton Township Fire Chief said both firefighters would return to work pending the outcome of the criminal and Children's Services investigations.