
Toys R Us, Babies R Us liquidation sales start


Toys R Us announced last month that it would be closing many of its stores across the country, including three in the Pittsburgh area.

STORY: Toys R Us to close stores, including 3 in Pittsburgh area

In an updated list the company issued Wednesday, 144 of its Toys R Us and Babies R Us stores will close.


The company also announced that nationwide liquidation sales begin Wednesday. These are sales just at the stores that are closing and will not be matched at other Toys R Us stores.

A release from the company indicates that opening discounts will begin at 30 percent off, adding that "deep discounts" will come later.
Furniture and fixtures in the stores will also be for sale. Gift cards and other customer programs and specials will continue to be honored at the closing locations, the release said.

Toys R Us filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last September. Most of the stores closing are expected to shutter for good in April, Toys R Us said.