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Giant Eagle prioritizing teachers, school staff during mass vaccination clinic at Heinz Field


PITTSBURGH — Giant Eagle is holding another mass COVID-19 vaccination clinic Monday and Tuesday at Heinz Field, but this one is prioritizing teachers in the area.

According to Giant Eagle’s website, this is in support of “President Joe Biden’s executive order and state vaccine distribution activities.”

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The clinic runs during the day March 15-16. Officials said you must have an appointment and be a teacher or school staff member to get the Pfizer vaccine during those days. School staff are any Pre-K to 12 school employees, contractors, or independent consultants that typically interact with students in a school setting during the regular school day, including teachers, classroom support staff, early childhood education (ECE) professionals employed by the school entity, school administrators, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, school nurses, speech/occupational therapists, custodians, and other school employees.

You have to bring proof that you are a teacher or school staff member to receive the shot, such as a state/professional teaching license or district-issued badge.

So far, nearly 3,000 out of 4,600 Pittsburgh Public Schools teachers and staff members have been vaccinated against COVID-19. About 1,400 staff members are set to get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Thanks to a special shipment from Giant Eagle, another 1,500 got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

Over the past few weeks, Giant Eagle officials estimate they have vaccinated 8,000 people at the Heinz Field clinics.

For more information on scheduling appointments through Giant Eagle and logistics of getting the vaccine through these clinics, CLICK HERE.