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Man stabs another after walking in on alleged sexual assault of girl


CANTON TOWNSHIP, Pa. — Channel 11 uncovered exclusive new details about a stabbing Tuesday night in Canton Township, Washington County.

Police said the man they arrested told them he lashed out at the man he stabbed because he saw him sexually assault an underage girl.

Channel 11 confirmed the stabbing victim is a suspect in a sex assault investigation in the city of Washington.


According to police, Stephen Yarbrough told them he walked in on the man with an underage girl.

At the time of the alleged assault, he ripped the man off of her, and physically assaulted him and police were called.

Tuesday night, Yarbrough told officers he "snapped" and questioned the man with a knife to his throat, before stabbing him.

Channel 11 is not releasing the name of the man who was stabbed or his photo, but Washington police confirm he is a suspect in last week's sexual assault case.

It was a shocking sight outside of Six Pack Charlie's in Washington, when a man bleeding from multiple stab wounds showed up, begging for help.

"It was really horrible," Peggy Ringer said. The employee said he was alert and talking to police before he was flown by medical helicopter.

"He gave the guy's name that stabbed him and said he didn't want to die because he was going to be a daddy," Ringer said.