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'March on Google' rally in Bakery Square postponed

Mayor Bill Peduto is commenting on a group's decision to postpone a controversial march scheduled this weekend in Bakery Square.

The “March on Google” scheduled for Saturday was postponed Wednesday morning.

The lead organizer said it was postponed because of credible “alt-left” terrorist threats against the events planned for locations across the country.

Even without the event, Peduto announced the city's own counter event for Friday afternoon to pray for peace.


The march was scheduled in reaction to the firing of a software engineer who wrote a controversial memo about women in technology.

Organizers say the events had been falsely portrayed as "alt-right," which led to the threats.

A comment on the event website says, "Mainstream media made malicious and false statements that our peaceful march was being organized by Nazi sympathizers."

The march was announced just days after the tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia when counter protesters clashed with white supremacists, leading to the death of one woman.

"It may be just a few weeks before this happens again, but I want to make sure the people of Pittsburgh understand that Public Safety is working around the clock 24/7 in order to be able to make sure you are being protected," Peduto said.

"Friday will definitely be a peaceful time for Pittsburghers to enjoy and come together as we move forward," added Valerie McDonald-Roberts, Pittsburgh's Chief Urban Affairs Officer.

The "Prayer for Peace" event will happen at noon Friday on Grant Street.

Peduto said everyone is welcome to be part of it and Pittsburgh police officers will also be there to keep everyone safe.

It was not clear when or if the original march would be rescheduled.