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Plum hires new superintendent; some parents angry with choice

The Plum School Board appointed a new superintendent Tuesday night, and some parents are angry about the board’s choice.

Brendan Hyland, currently the principal at North Allegheny High School, was named the district’s new leader.

The Plum Borough School District is still recovering from a 2015 scandal that led to the convictions of three teachers for having sex with students and ultimately, the resignation of former superintendent Timothy Glasspool last year.


They spoke out and demanded the board reconsider their decision to hire Hyland as Plum's Superintendent.

Parents argued Hyland had no central administration experience and his name came up in a lawsuit nearly four years ago.

The suit - which was settled - alleged Hyland did nothing to protect a female student who was being bullied, sexually harassed and threatened by her classmates.

But Plum’s decision was swift and final -- with six yes votes, two nos and one member choosing to abstain.

"They have no regard for student safety,” said parent Michelle Stepnick.

However, the Plum solicitor said Hyland was never named as a defendant in the case and had exceptional recommendations from his prior employers.

"He works there. He was the principal. When somebody files a lawsuit, they get an attorney who crafts a document,” said Bruce Dice, the attorney for the district.

Regardless, Parents said Hyland's hiring is yet another black eye to the embattled district.