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TVs, electronics pile up in donation bins in Greensburg


GREENSBURG, Pa. — TVs and electronics are piling up at clothing donation bins in Greensburg.

Sitting on the side of North Greengate Road in Hempfield Township, people are calling it a television graveyard.

"I think it's really disgusting how people think they can get away with stuff throwing things out wherever they want,” said Michael Werner, resident of Greensburg.

Werner drives past the area almost every day and he said it’s been getting worse.


The collection bins are only meant for clothes for veterans and the needy, not electronics. That doesn’t seem to be stopping people from adding to the illegal dump site.

"It really put a lot of people in a bind and then don't want to wait until we're open again they just want to get rid of their TV,” said Ellen Keefe from Westmoreland Cleanways and Recycling.

Westmoreland Cleanways and Recycling was one of the safe places to dispose of electronics until a fire at the facility stopped their collection indefinitely.

Hempfield Township Public Works cleaned up the pile of growing electronics at the beginning of the months, but there’s concern about danger there.

"There's a lot of lead and circuit boards there's cadmium and all kinds of toxic metals, that's the whole reason they should be recycled in the first place,” Keefe said.

Channel 11 talked to township leaders and they said the property will be held accountable.

Code enforcement officers sent a letter to the land owner last week in hopes it will get cleaned up.