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Washington CYS official named in foster mother sex-abuse case resigns


The deputy administrator of Washington County Children and Youth Services resigned Thursday as allegations arose that she overlooked the sexual abuse of a child while she worked in Greene County five years ago.

RELATED: Woman accused of sex crimes against foster child turns herself in

Dee Dee Blosnich-Gooden is named in court documents for reprimanding a caseworker in Greene County in 2012 after that person alerted her that a foster mother in Greensburg may have begun sexually abusing a teenage boy from Greene County in her care. Blosnich-Gooden was the director of Greene County CYS at the time. She's been working in Washington County since she left Greene County in 2013.

Joelle Barozzini was charged Tuesday with raping the boy for years while he lived with her from 2009-13.


Blosnich-Gooden never reported the tip to authorities. She has not been charged in the case.

Because the case worker's allegations were never reported, Barozzini continued to get foster kids placed in her care.

Police said a case worker told a Pressley Ridge supervisor about a possible inappropriate relationship between Barozzini and a 16-year-old foster child. It was eventually then passed onto Blosnich-Gooden, instead of being turned over to law enforcement.

The case worker was allegedly reprimanded for "gossip" by Bloshnich-Gooden, ordered to go to ethics training, and removed from the case.

Police said the victim told them the sexual contact with Barozzini happened hundreds of times until he moved out in 2013.

Her resignation is effective Friday, said Tim Kimmel, Washington County director of human services. He also told Channel 11 Blosnich-Gooden was a good employee and there were no performance issues.

reached out to Greene County officials with Human Services and CYS about Blonich-Gooden's resignation. They said they were aware of the situation but couldn't comment further because of the ongoing investigation.

There have not been any criminal charges filed against anyone but Barozzini, the foster mother accused of sexual abuse. Detectives will be meeting with authorities about the possibility of taking further action.