
Garnett Station Partners joins ownership of Primanti Bros.

PITTSBURGH — Primanti Brothers, the beloved local restaurant institution known for its slaw-and-french-fry-stacked sandwiches that has been expanding its “almost famous” restaurant brand beyond the region, starts the year with a new ownership partner.

New York-based Garnett Station Partners, which describes itself as “entrepreneur investors” on its website, has made an equity investment in the company, joining established owner, L. Catterton Partners.

Adam Golomb, president and chief marketing officer of Primanti Bros., said that Garnett’s two founding partners had been “admirers from a distance” in the restaurant chain, with Managing Partner and Co-founder Matt Perelman familiar with the local restaurant chain after working at L. Catterton.

“We’re excited to have them on board,” said Golomb of Garnett Station, noting a strong record by the company of investing in food and beverage.

Read more in the Pittsburgh Business Times.