11 Cares

CNX provides Caring Carts for patients at Hillman Cancer Center

PITTSBURGH — CNX Resources Corporation, one of our 11 Cares partners, is helping patients at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center through its Caring Cart.

The CNX Caring Cart provides cancer patients and their families with items like socks, blankets, warm hats, spinners, stress balls, gum, mints and lip balm.

The CNX Caring Cart was so popular, it led to the creation of the CNX Art Cart, which has fun art projects like adult coloring books and seasonal items like holiday ornament decorating.

In 2019, a CNX Media Cart will be added to provide patients with tablets to use during treatment.

The CNX partnership with the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center began in 2016. On Wednesday, CNX donated $25,000 to help continue their efforts.

If you would like to learn more or donate to the CNX Caring Cart or UPMC Hillman Cancer Center please call 412-623-4700 during regular business hours.