
‘The Blacklist' EXCLUSIVE: Reddington shows distrust in Liz and Dembe works the jury

THE BLACKLIST -- "General Shiro (#116)" Episode 607 -- Pictured: (l-r) Megan Boone as Elizabeth Keen, Hisham Tawfiq as Dembe Zuma -- (Photo by: Will Hart/SONY/NBC)

They say to keep your friends close and enemies closer and that may be the new angle Raymond “Red” Reddington has on daughter Elizabeth “Liz” Keen in Friday’s new episode of “The Blacklist.”

In this clip sent to See and Be Seen from NBC, this meeting between Liz and Red seems to be different from others, as  he begins to speak of a distrust in her that he has not previously verbalized.

Liz has been known to call Reddington out for not giving her answers to questions and not sharing the truth, but now that Reddington knows he was betrayed by someone close, he is calling her alliances into question.

On the other hand, Dembe Zuma, a close friend of Reddington, is working to save his life.

In our second sneak peek, Zuma is working an angle to get some allies on the jury panel, but will it be enough to save Red?

Watch “The Blacklist” with us tonight at 9 p.m. after a new “Blindspot.” Then stick around for “Dateline NBC” at 10 p.m. on Channel 11.