
'Weird Al' Yankovic receives star on Hollywood Walk of Fame


HOLLYWOOD, California — After more than three decades of recording song parodies, "Weird Al" Yankovic finally has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Weird Al is the biggest-selling comedy recording artist of all time, with a string of gold and platinum albums.

Known for song parodies such as "White and Nerdy" and "Like a Surgeon," Weird Al is now in his fourth decade as America's foremost song parodist.


Born Alfred Matthew Yankovic, he won his first Grammy in 1984 for Best Comedy Recording for the Michael Jackson parody "Eat It."

"So far beyond anything I could have imagined.  When I was in college recording my songs with an accordion in a bathroom...getting a star on the Walk of Fame, I feel there's my one shot at immortality because I know now that my name is going to be here basically until the end of civilization, which let's face it, is probably just three or four months away," said Yankovic.

The 58-year-old is also a New York Times bestselling author and he has received four Grammy awards and 15 nominations.

On hand to help him celebrate were radio broadcaster Doctor Demento and actor Thomas Lennon, as well as his wife and daughter.

CNN and NBC contributed to this story.