
Allegheny County Sheriff's Office demonstrates concealed firearm traffic stop


PITTSBURGH — The Allegheny County Sheriff’s Office gave a demonstration on how people should handle a traffic stop with a permitted firearm in the vehicle.

Drivers with a concealed carry permit should notify the officer conducting the traffic stop that there is a firearm in the car.

“Officer, I want you to know, I have a concealed firearm and I have a permit as well,” the driver said to the officer during the demonstration.

Chief Deputy Kevin Kraus point out that the driver does not reach for the firearm after informing the officer of having one.

“People do that. They’ll say ‘I have a gun in the car,’ and their immediate reaction is to go grab for it to show the officer where it is, but that's highly not recommended,” Kraus said. “It’s better to communicate, keep your hands on the steering wheel and have verbal dialogue.”

Though it is not a law to say there is a firearm in the vehicle, the Sheriff’s Officer highly recommends that it is done. The Sheriff’s Office wants to inform permit carriers because of situations between police and the public.

“We want to do our part to educate the public, educate the officers. (We’re) hoping to avoid any tragedies and mishaps,” Kraus said.