
$475M North Shore project revamped to remove Crystal Lagoon


PITTSBURGH — Millcraft Investment’s latest design approach for Esplanade along the North Shore riverfront is a little smaller in scale, projected to cost a little less to build out and no longer includes the four-season Crystal Lagoon that was expected to be a first in the region.

But after nearly two years of the development firm’s ambitions being stalled by the Covid-19 pandemic, Millcraft President Lucas Piatt emphasized to a Manchester Citizens Corp. community Zoom meeting that his company continues to move forward with the same basic approach for the plan.

“It’s been an interesting two years for all of us,” said Piatt of the pandemic to an audience of about 55 people. “It changed our world.”

Esplanade is Millcraft’s redevelopment master plan for a 15-acre wedge of riverfront land up the Ohio River from the Rivers Casino in the Chateau neighborhood of the North Side.

Read more in the Pittsburgh Business Times.