
Crazy Mocha, Kiva Han owner files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

WPXI Kiva Han Coffee brewed from Kiva Han beans. (PITTSBURGH BUSINESS TIMES)

PITTBURGH — The owner of what’s been Pittsburgh’s biggest homegrown coffee shop chain has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, with its founder and previous owner a major creditor in an emergency filing in which the Covid-19 pandemic was named as a major cause of the business decline.

Ed’s Beans Inc., the Cranberry-based business that operates both the Kiva Han wholesale coffee roasting business and the Crazy Mocha Coffee Co. retail chain, filed for Chapter 11 protection from creditors in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, a legal measure after the company faced the forced closure of most of its shops due to Covid-19.

The main owner of Ed’s Beans is Ed Wethli, who couldn’t be immediately reached for comment. Nor could a lawyer representing Ed’s Beans.

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