Pittsburgh Gets Real

New safe space community courts set to be unveiled in Braddock following gun violence


BRADDOCK, Pa. — It’s a project full of love centered around peace and unity.

“It’s super important, how do you disrupt it? You have to drive out darkness by creating bright spots. Basketball is a universal sport, it’s something you can play from the time you are three to the time you are 100,” said Jullian Turner with HOOP.

The once sunken basketball court was abandoned leaving no safe space for the youth on the streets of Braddock.

“There aren’t a lot of things for the kids to do out here they are just walking around or in the house or doing something they aren’t supposed to do,” said Domonique Brown-Taylor who’s a junior at Woodland Hills.

After two years of work, community group HOOP partnered with the University of Pittsburgh to get this project going with help from the Braddock Youth Project.

“This court is connected to the library and BYP and HOOP. It’s connected to all these organizations that we care so much about it, we want any youth coming to the court to feel safe,” said Rasaun Brown with the Braddock Youth Project.

It’s also centered right in the community with memories of their fellow teens who have lost their lives to gun violence.

“Hopefully they can come together and speak on their fond memories of their friends they lost and hopefully they had those memories here,” Turner said.

Add in messaging across the courts of love and unity and the goal is to continue to spark change in their hometown.

“They can build new memories with these new guys they’ve met and honor them with keeping this space safe,” Turner said.

The official opening is set for Sunday, Sept. 29.

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