Hundreds from Maryland, Delaware pack offshore wind hearing

OCEAN CITY, Md. — Hundreds of residents of Maryland and Delaware packed a public hearing held over the weekend to solicit opinions on offshore wind projects.

At least 700 people attended the hearing of the Maryland Public Service Commission on Saturday in Ocean City, The Daily Times reported.

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The hearing was part of the commission’s inquiry into impacts related to changes in the turbine sizes originally anticipated for use in two company’s offshore wind projects.

Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan told the commissioners what the wind developers were planning to construct would “dramatically change the viewshed off of our Maryland and Delaware coast forever.”

But others emphasized the impact offshore wind could have on local economies. Representatives of the two companies, U.S. Wind and Orsted, explained their projects and went over renderings with some Eastern Shore residents.

Members of the public can weight in through written comments until Jan. 31. After that, the commission will review the information and may or may not take further action, the newspaper reported.

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