
La Roche Names Basketball Court After Former Coach

McCANDLESS, Pa.,None — A basketball court was named in honor of the coach who won so many games there.

Scott Lang was the most successful coach in La Roche College History

Lang coached at the school for 18 years before dying suddenly in December.

He was 41 years old.

At a ceremony this afternoon, the school's basketball court was named in his honor.

Games will now be hosted at Coach Scott Lang Court.

The death of Lang had a big impact on the small college.

His brother said it was never about Scott.

"It was all about effort with my bro. The results will be there if the effort is there. He believed in strict discipline in your life, not just on the basketball court. He believed in hard work and all that stuff paid off," said Michael Lang.

The small gym was packed Saturday afternoon for the dedication.