
2 North Strabane Township spas shut down, employees arrested after reported criminal activity


NORTH STRABANE TOWNSHIP, Pa. — Two spas in North Strabane Township have been shut down after reported criminal activity.

North Strabane Township police said their department has been receiving tips about the heavy male traffic at Jin Spa on McClelland Road, near I79 and Yan Spa on Hill Church Houston Road, near Canon Mac’s new middle school. Police say a lengthy undercover operation led to the arrests.

Five undercover officers visited the spas and confirmed workers performed sexual activity in exchange for cash.

“My first thought was I’ve been telling people for a year and a half now that I don’t think that’s a legit place, and now it’s proven,” said Nasrina Sims.

Sims works in a building near one of the spas and attempted to get a massage last year. She said she was turned away.

“I was like, ‘Can I get a massage here today?’ ‘No, not today, we are busy.’ I was looking around and there was no one around me, no one in there. I said, ‘Can I come back later?’ And she said, ‘No, no we are busy.’”

Owners Jing Yang and Walter Mock Jr. were arrested along with three workers.

Police say Yang was arrested in Butler County for similar charges in 2017.

Sims told us she and her husband always commented on the expensive vehicles parked outside the spa at all hours.

“There’s always cars there from Beverly Hills, Range Rovers, BMW’s, Audi’s. And if you look at the state of that building, it just doesn’t look like what you’d expect to see parked there.”

If you have any information about illegal activity taking place at these locations, you can submit information or anonymous tips to: tips@nstpd.com or by calling (724) 746-4090.

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