
Alina’s Law: Bill proposed to help domestic abuse victims moves forward after years of stalling


HARRISBURG — A bill to help victims of domestic violence is moving through Harrisburg after years of stalling.

Channel 11 has been tracking Alina’s Law since her family lent her name to it.

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Pitt student, Alina Sheykhet, was killed at the hands of her ex-boyfriend, Matthew Darby in 2017, just days after she filed a PFA against him.

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Rep. Anita Kulik has introduced the bill 3 times in the state house. She wanted it to give judges the option of requiring electronic monitoring for people with PFAs against them, if the judge believed they’d likely violate it.

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But after seeing it not going anywhere, the bill was gutted and amended to allow DA’s offices to apply for grants to strengthen their PFA orders. That could include electronic monitoring, like what Washington County does, or something else that could help protect victims.

The house judiciary committee voted Wednesday to move the bill, which now could go to the house floor. If it makes it out, It would then have to go to the senate for more consideration.

Rep. Kulik says it’s a compromise they needed to get the bill moving.

Alina’s family says they will still lend their name to this version of the bill.

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Kulik isn’t sure if they’ll get it done this session but she’s happy to see some movement on it.

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