
Allegheny County property tax bills come with bulletin that lists incorrect payment deadlines


ALLEGHENY COUNTY — Allegheny County property owners are in the process of receiving their tax bills.

With them is a bulletin with information including payment deadlines.

Channel 11 has learned those deadlines don’t match the ones on the county treasurer’s website.

“I scan the code, went to the site, scrolled down and saw there was a difference in the dates,” Gerard Meyers of Hampton told Channel 11.

He attempted to pay his bill online using the QR code in the bulletin. The paper copy listed three dates: March 31, April 30 and May.

Paying by March 31 would save the taxpayer 2% while May 1 is the first date with a delinquent fee attached.

Online, the dates were different: April 30, May 31 and June 1.

Here’s why. Allegheny County Council voted Tuesday to extend the deadline, citing a delay in sending the bills.

That means all the bulletins contain outdated information.

Channel 11 reached out to the treasurer’s office and learned 330,000 copies of the bulletin were made at a cost of $28,025.

“It was very frustrating. How do you resolve it? I don’t know. I hate the thought you’re going to spend another [$28,025] to send a correction notice,” Meyers said.

According to the treasurer’s office, there are no plans to do that. Tax bills are currently being sent out in batches and should be completed by Friday.

“There’s your tax dollars at work, or not at work,” Meyers said.

anyone with questions can click here for more information.

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