Allegheny County

2 dead, 37 people at Pittsburgh senior living home test positive for COVID-19


PITTSBURUGH — Thirty-seven residents and staff members at the Kane Community Living Center in Glen Hazel have tested positive for COVID-19, and now officials confirmed two of those people have died.

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As of April 10, 23 residents have tested positive -- with two deaths -- and 14 staff members tested positive.

As of April 7, 18 residents have tested positive and 13 staff members have tested positive.

On March 27, Kane reported that two residents at the facility tested positive.

Click here to read more on the Allegheny County website.

The facility is now taking strict measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

All staff is required to be screened for fevers before coming into work and when leaving. All residents are screened for symptoms at shift change.

No deaths have been reported at Kane’s three other facilities in Allegheny County. However, there are eight total pending tests at those facilities between residents and staff.

Nursing homes around the region are bracing for the coming days and weeks when cases are expected to climb.

On top of nursing homes and assisted living facilities having at-risk residents, they’re also confined spaces -- making it very difficult to tackle COVID-19 once inside.

On Wednesday, Allegheny County Controller Chelsa Wagner is calling on Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald to inform the public on the status of COVID-19 cases at Kane Regional Centers, as well as what is being done to protect residents and staff from further harm.

Kane said concerns have been reported to her office. They include limited availability of personal protective equipment for caregiving staff and direct care workers likely exposed to COVID-positive patients taking breaks alongside staff not involved in direct patient care.

“Currently, it is unclear if or how staff, residents, and family members of those in Kane facilities are being notified when there are new or suspected Coronavirus cases. The measures being taken in the Kanes and other at-risk facilities such as the County Jail should be part and parcel of regular updates being made to the public on COVID measures. Our most vulnerable must be among our foremost priorities at this time; and no County resident is walled off from the County’s actions and responsibilities in these facilities,” Kane said in a news release.

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