BRIDGEVILLE, Pa. — Bridgeville was one area declared a disaster on Wednesday as a result of severe storms, and Channel 11 found one family returning to their flooded home on Friday.
A brick retaining wall collapsed into a creek behind James Pardini’s Bridgeville home, and the water tore through Baldwin Street on Wednesday.
“Our entire basement is completely flooded, packed in mud and mold. That wall is gone, garage, car; lots of damage,” said Pardini.
Pardini only got a first look at his damaged home on Friday because he and his wife were at the hospital Wednesday night, welcoming their first child, Alaina, into the world.
Pardini said Alaina was rushed to the ICU after she was born and could be there for 10 more days.
“No one wishes their kid will get sick, but in this case, being in the hospital is a lot better than being here,” said Pardini.
Pardini said Alaina was taken off the ventilator Friday, so he and his wife were able to come home to assess the damage.
“Hopefully enough gets cleaned up before the kid comes home, and the kid can come home to the nice home we built for her anyway,” said Pardini.
Some help could be on the way for the Pardinis and other in Bridegville.
The Allegheny County Emergency Services were out in Bridgeville Friday, taking damage estimates from everyone to give to the state.
The state will then decide if there is enough damage to ask Federal Emergency Management Agency for aid.