
City of Pittsburgh, firefighters union reach contract agreement


Mayor William Peduto’s administration announced Friday that it has reached a contract agreement with the International Association of Firefighters Local No. 1.

The agreement is good for four years and follows guidelines set by the city’s 2014 Act 47 Amended Recovery Plan.

The union has agreed to adopt the first year wage freeze for 2015 set by Act 47. The freeze will be followed by raises of 1 percent, 2 percent and 2 percent for each of the three successive years.

As part of the contract, the union has also agreed to dismiss a previously filed lawsuit against the city and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania regarding Act 47.

"I want to thank the firefighters for the work they do every day to keep our city and residents safe, and to their union leadership and the Act 47 team for working with us on a contract that is good both for our workers and for city taxpayers," Peduto said.

The International Association of Firefighters Local No. 1 said it is also pleased to have worked out a contract with the city after the previous one expired in 2014.

"This agreement creates a pathway to building a positive working relationship with the mayor and his administration, which is a win for our residents and our firefighters," said Ralph Sicuro, president of IAFF Local No. 1. "This agreement maintains safety for the

residents and the firefighters and falls within the financial parameters of Act 47."

The city of Pittsburgh is close to reaching a tentative contract agreement with the Fraternal Order of Professional Paramedics Local 1.

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