
Governor Josh Shapiro, CNX president announce historic collaboration in natural gas industry


WASHINGTON COUNTY, Pa. — Governor Josh Shapiro and CNX President Nick Deiuliis announced a historic collaboration in the natural gas industry.

Shapiro said in keeping with campaign promises, he wants to solidify Pennsylvania as an energy leader, while prioritizing the health of American’s. CNX Resources Corporation volunteered to be the first company in the industry to offer ‘radical transparency’, including collecting and reporting real-time air quality data at two well pads, and disclosing every chemical used.

“I hope it’s not lost on anyone, that a democratic Governor standing here on a well pad in Washington County, standing with a CEO of A MAJOR natural gas company. Not sure anyone had this on their bingo card a few months ago,” Governor Shapiro joked.

Shapiro stood with Deiuliis, the head of the Boilermakers, and the head of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council to announce what he called commonsense measures that will prioritize public health while cementing Pennsylvania as an energy industry leader.

CNX will have a rigorous network of sensors monitoring air quality before, during and after development.

They will voluntarily expand no-drill zones from the required 500 feet to 600 feet for all sites and increase them to 2,500 feet for sensitive sites including schools and hospitals while date is collected.

“We are going to learn a lot with radical transparency, and when we see something unexpected or atypical, we are prepared to be committed to act in a way to engineer and design our way to even better performance,” said Deiuliis.

“CNX has agreed to set new wells back further from homes, school, hospitals while going even further as part of their collaboration, they agreed to give DEP unprecedented access to two of their future wells so we can conduct the most intensive study of unconventional natural gas wells in the country. This is historical,” said Shapiro.

Workers at the local environmental group The Center for Coalfield Justice do not support today’s announcement

“Air emissions, water quality should not be self-reported by industry actors with a history of noncompliance. Why haven’t they always been protecting the health and safety of residents and workers?”

Marcellus Shale Coalition President David Callahan told Channel 11, “Our focus has been on stopping punitive and unnecessary public policies. Pennsylvania currently has among the nation’s strictest setback and operational requirements, and more than a decade of experience and scientific evidence shows this resource is being developed safely and responsibly.”

Governor Shapiro has instructed the DEP to take immediate action to pursue formal rulemakings and policy changes mirroring the commitments announced today, including new requirements for the disclosure of chemicals used when drilling.

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