
Grab and Go Meal plan ends for about 450 local seniors after federal funding cuts


WASHINGTON, Pa. — The Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging notified area seniors that Grab and Go Meals which they’ve been providing for five years are ending. The abrupt decision is due to a decrease in federal funding, according to the agency’s director.

“Those were meals started during the Covid pandemic to be able to provide an alternative to people who weren’t able to go into the center because of social distancing,” said agency director Mary Harris. Harris said they’ve received a 43% reduction in federal funds.

“This is the first year we are really feeling the crunch from the cuts from the federal funding and the expiration of the American rescue plan funds, that and we didn’t receive any additional lottery funds is what’s putting us in this difficult budget situation. Unfortunately, we’ve had to look at all the different programs and services we are providing in our 3 counties, we’ve made some difficult decisions because of the funding situation.”

Statewide, the fifty-two Area Agencies on Aging are at risk of closing 40 senior centers across the state, and eliminate around 100 programs, reduce staff hours or leave open positions. They are seeking an additional 105 million dollars and without it say programs risk being reduced, including meal delivery.

About 450 seniors were still using the service in Washington, Fayette and Greene Counties when the program ended this week.

County leaders say the agency will still provide 4000 home delivery meals and 2400 meals at centers.

“We just found out yesterday or today we wasn’t gonna get our meals,” said Carol Scott, who lives at a Washington apartment complex and uses the program to continue making dinner with her husband, even though she is in a wheelchair and can’t use the stove.

“My husband and I have been married 60 years, we take care of each other but we depend on those meals.”

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