Greensburg Salem High School student arrested after allegedly bringing a gun on school grounds

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GREENSBURG — A 15-year-old sophomore at Greensburg Salem High School was walked out of the police station in handcuffs Wednesday after officers said they found a loaded handgun inside his backpack and on school grounds.

“He had a book bag in his possession. The principal searched his book bag and there was a loaded 9 mm (gun) found in his bag,” Greensburg Police Captain Shawn Denning said.

Police said the teen was found smoking a marijuana vape pen in the bathroom, which resulting in him being searched. The loaded gun was then found inside his book bag.

Officers are working to find out exactly how he got the weapon and who it belongs to.

The teen told police someone gave it to him at a Halloween party.

“The only thing he would give us or provide to us is that there was an indication the cops were being called at this party, so an individual with a mask on and dressed like a robot, that he claims he did not know, handed him the firearm and said he had warrants for his arrest; so the juvenile had control and custody of that handgun ever since around Halloween time,” Denning said.

The school sent out a letter to district parents detailing what happened, and said the gun was never pulled out and a threat was never made.

“He placed himself in danger, and all of the other students around in danger, by having a loaded firearm in school. There’s no logical explanation for that, it puts staff in danger, the school resource officer in danger and himself in danger,” Denning said.

Police are investigating as to whether that gun was reported stolen.

The 15-year-old is being charged as a juvenile with gun and drug crimes.

The district says he’ll also be facing disciplinary action, but it’s unclear exactly what actions will be taken.

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