
Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh to host Wildlife Baby Shower

Wildlife Baby Shower Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh (HARP) will host a Wildlife Baby Shower to help stock up on needed supplies for the busy season ahead. At left, three foxes and at right, a duckling. (Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh)

Every spring, thousands of baby wildlife, some injured or orphaned, arrive at Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh’s (HARP) Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in need of help.

In preparation for the new arrivals, HARP will host a Wildlife Baby Shower from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 13 at the center’s East Side shelter, 6926 Hamilton Ave., Pittsburgh. During the celebration, guests can interact with animals, create crafts, have snacks and more.

Gifts brought to the shower will help the center meet the animals’ needs. A complete gift registry can be found here and includes common items like paper towels, canned mixed fruit and unsalted nuts. Items may be brought to the baby shower or donors may select items from the wish list for delivery directly to the center.

This year, local companies, organizations, and groups are also invited to get involved by helping to “Fill the Nest.” Throughout April, groups are encouraged to gather essential items from the wish list. Groups can schedule a time to drop off donations at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center if they are unable to bring them to the event. Contact Chelsea at CGale@humaneanimalrescue.org to learn more.

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center is a fully licensed wildlife clinic that specializes in the care of Pennsylvania wildlife. Each year the center provides treatment and rehabilitation to more than 4,200 animals so that they may be returned to their natural habitat.

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