Pennsylvania lawmakers to introduce bill that protects rights of people experiencing homelessness

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HARRISBURG, Pa. — It’s a sight that is not new to the Pittsburgh landscape.

“People don’t sleep outside because they want to, people sleep outside because they have to,” Representative Emily Kinkead said.

Homelessness is a public health concern that leaders are trying to tackle. But it could get more challenging with the new opinion on a Supreme Court case that said municipalities can criminalize people for sleeping in public places.

“We are not solving it by putting people into the county jail. We solve it by actually putting people into housing that is safe and stable and helping them with the kinds of resources they need to stay there. It makes our communities safer,” Kinkead said.

Several lawmakers are now sponsoring a bill to make sure that doesn’t happen and the people on the streets are safe from tickets, fines and jail time for being homeless.

But other lawmakers, including Representative Aaron Bernstine, think there is a reason for the ruling.

“Law enforcement and government entities have an obligation to ensure the safety of their residents, and living on the street is not safe for anyone. Nearly all who are homeless have untreated mental health needs. This legislation would stop local governments from removing those from the street and getting them the help they need,” Bernstine said.

While others hope to solve the problem long term with more housing and not add to people’s criminal history.

“Rather than spending time trying to put people in jail who have no way to afford getting out of jail. We should be spending our time and resources building our housing stock, making it easier to build, making it easier for people to get out of homelessness and into these homes,” Representative Lindsay Powell said.

The bill’s language is still being worked out, but the hope is to introduce it this summer as homelessness continues to be a timely topic.

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