Safety changes to be made with Fern Hollow Bridge reopening

The reconstruction of Fern Hollow Bridge will allow for the safer connections for users, including pedestrians and bicyclist.

Pittsburgh officials say several safety improvements have been made at the intersections affecting Forbes Avenue, South Dallas Avenue, Beechwood Boulevard and Beacon Street intersections after gathering information from public meetings and stakeholder comments.

The bridge over Frick Park is expected to open by the end of December, less than a year after it collapsed.

Officials including Gov. Tom Wolf were at the bridge Wednesday for a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The changes:

* Among the most noticeable change is South Dallas Avenue. Between Forbes Avenue and Beechwood Boulevard, South Dallas will be one-way for southbound traffic only. The “Stop Except Right Turn” sign on southbound South Dallas Avenue will be removed and a dedicated left-turn lane will be added to reduce motorist confusion. Additionally, a stop sign on Beechwood Boulevard eastbound at South Dallas Avenue will be added to allow southbound South Dallas Avenue to be a free-flowing movement.

* The speed limit will be reduced on Forbes Avenue from South Dallas Avenue to Braddock Avenue.

* A pedestrian walking space on north Beechwood Boulevard that connects to the end of the existing Beechwood Boulevard sidewalk will be installed.

* Concrete jersey barriers to protect the proposed two-way cycle track will be placed from the Fern Hollow Bridge to Beechwood Boulevard.

Installation of the full project will occur in the spring. But interim changes will be implemented immediately, with the reopening of the bridge. These include:

* South Dallas Avenue between Forbes Avenue and Beechwood Boulevard will become one-way southbound. Traffic will not be permitted northbound.

* The existing ramp between Beechwood Boulevard and Forbes Avenue will close to vehicle traffic.

* The stop sign on Beechwood Boulevard eastbound will be added.

Additional information, including full details on project design and intersection improvements, can be viewed here.

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