None — WASHINGTON COUNTY, Pa. -- A fire that caused major damage to Sarris Candy in Washington County is nothing but history for the business.
Sarris Candy reopened on Thursday after countless hours of repair work. Just minutes after the doors reopened, a line of customers streamed into the business to purchase candy.
"I bought $150 to $200 worth of stuff," said customer Doug Shunk. "My wife won't let me back in the house unless I bring this home."
Since the fire burned through part of the building, workers said they've been doing all they can to bring the store back.
"Our employees worked so hard together," said Sherri Fehl.
The owner of the business said the reopening of the business is bittersweet because Mar. 1 is also the second anniversary of his father's death.
"It's heartfelt. We're excited. We're sad. We want to be happy. It's a customer day," Bill Sarris said.
The ice cream parlor of the store is expected to reopen in June.