
Mayor introduces new Pittsburgh police chief

PITTSBURGH (AP) — At a 1:30 p.m. news conference, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto introduced the city's new police chief, Cameron McLay, who was most recently a police captain in Madison, Wisconsin.
McLay is expected to start work Monday and replaces interim Chief Regina McDonald. McDonald has been a caretaker since the former chief, Nate Harper, was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison earlier this year.
"The bureau is going to be responsive.  Those who are not on board with the direction we're going will need to be held accountable.  It's really quite that simple," said McLay.
McLay, 56, takes over a force said to be operating with poor morale and struggling to relate to the city's black community.
"It is my responsibility to make sure they remain focused on the highest standards of police service," said McLay.
Harper pleaded guilty to diverting fees the city collected for police hired to perform off-duty security details into an illegal slush fund, and using about $32,000 of the money on personal expenditures.
The Associated Press contributed to this story.


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