OnPolitics Today: Is Red Hen more than a red herring?

Happy Monday, OP fam. We hope that you had a relaxing weekend that wasn't filled with drama.

Because then you'd already be ahead of Sarah Sanders, whose Friday night dinner is still the talk of the town today.

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The Red Hen debacle

We imagine White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders merely wanted to have dinner with her family when she went to Red Hen on Friday night. But she got more than that when the restaurant's owner asked her to leave because she worked for the president.

"Her actions say far more about her than about me," Sanders tweeted the next day. "I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so."

The restaurant owner defended her choice in an interview with the Washington Post, saying she had no regrets.

“I would have done the same thing again,” she said. “We just felt there are moments in time when people need to live their convictions. This appeared to be one.”

As can be expected, Trump weighed in on Monday.

"The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!" he tweeted. (As it turns out, the restaurant has a mixed health inspection record.)

Sanders' encounter came the same week that Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was publicly shamed while eating at a Mexican restaurant near the White House — and both situations raise the question of how we treat people who disagree with, especially in a political climate that seems to thrive on partisanship.

During a Saturday speech, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., called for people to "push back" on members of the Cabinet in public.

But that, too, has turned controversial.

"I strongly disagree with those who advocate harassing folks if they don't agree with you," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Monday on the Senate floor. "If you disagree with a politician, organize your fellow citizens to action and vote them out of office. But no one should call for the harassment of political opponents. That's not right. That's not American."

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