
Sen. Maggie Hassan suspends intern for yelling vulgarity at President Trump

New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan gave a weeklong suspension to an intern who yelled an aggressive vulgarity at President Donald Trump, telling reporters the woman had "accepted responsibility for her action and is facing the consequences."

"The president is doing neither," Hassan added.

The intern, who has been identified as Caitlin Marriott, yelled, "Mr. President, f--- you!" across the U.S. Capitol Rotunda as Trump was walking to meet with House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., last week. Marriott's invective can be clearly heard in video captured by a NBC reporter.

Marriott made the "impulsive" decision to curse at the president after she joined a group of interns who had gathered in the Rotunda to watch Trump pass, Fox News reported. The interns had been debating whether or not to yell something at Trump and they "egged on" Marriott, an unnamed source told the cable news outlet.

In addition to her one-week suspension, Hassan revoked Marriott's congressional ID badge, "thereby restricting her access to the Capitol," Hassan spokesman Aaron Jacobs said in a statement. "We also facilitated contact with Capitol Police."

Hassan told The Washington Post that Marriott "violated the standards of our office about appropriate conduct."

Still, she noted it is "really important to understand that this behavior shouldn't be equated with the president's destructive and divisive actions, like ripping health-care away from people by failing to protect pre-existing conditions; going out, gutting the ACA; like separating children from their parents at our southern border. And this young woman immediately accepted responsibility for her actions and is facing consequences for them. The president is doing neither."

Marriott's curse at the president was among other incidents this month in which members of the Trump administration were met with hostility by people opposed to Trump's policies.

Last week, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted by protesters at a Mexican restaurant in Washington, D.C. They shouted "Shame!" repeatedly at Nielsen, who did her best to ignore the chants before leaving the restaurant.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the owner of a Virginia restaurant asked her to leave Friday night because of her association with Trump.

On Saturday, Rep. Maxine Waters, R-Calif., encouraged such confrontations, urging a crowd Saturday in Los Angeles to harass Cabinet members wherever possible.

"If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd," Waters said. "And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."

The congresswoman's fiery rhetoric prompted a warning from Trump who called Waters "an extraordinarily low IQ person" and said, "Be careful what you wish for Max!"

Waters' remarks were repudiated by Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, but many observers pointed to her statement and the incidents involving Nielsen and Sanders as evidence of the continuing collapse of civility in American politics.