Southern Baptist leader Paige Patterson won't give Baptist convention sermon

NASHVILLE — A prominent Southern Baptist leader recently fired from a Texas seminary for responding inappropriately when women told him they were raped will not deliver the convention sermon at the big evangelical denomination's upcoming meeting.

Paige Patterson withdrew Friday morning from delivering the keynote address, said Roger S. Oldham, spokesman for the Southern Baptist Convention's Executive Committee. The convention's two-day annual meeting starts Tuesday in Dallas.

His decision to recuse himself came after days of soul searching, according to a letter from Patterson to convention president and Memphis pastor Steve Gaines. The Baptist Press, an official denominational publication, posted the letter.

"To those of you who have supported me with love, prayer, and encouragement, in addition to the reasons shared above, please understand this decision as an effort to protect my family as much as I can," said Patterson, in the letter.

Patterson gives up seat on task force

Patterson said he also relinquished his role as chairman of the evangelism task force for the sake of harmony within the convention. Vice Chair Adam Greenway will deliver the convention report at the annual meeting, which Patterson said he will not attend.

"All of this I do with a heart full of confidence in our God and with the hope that he will favor the convention and her churches with the benediction of heaven," Patterson wrote.

In the letter, Patterson also reiterated his belief that marriage is a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman, affirmed the complementary roles of men and women and the inerrancy of scripture. He also stated the strong should protect the weak and his belief in justice for all.

Patterson's decision comes more than a week after Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Forth Worth, Texas, cut all ties with its former president. Seminary officials fired Patterson on May 30 over his mishandling of allegations from students who said they were raped in 2003 and 2015.

Concerns that Patterson shared inaccurate information with the board of trustees regarding the allegations also were a factor.

Patterson defends himself against accusations

In a separate letter addressed to Southern Baptists, Patterson said he did not want to debate or revisit the trustee’s decision. But he did defend himself against accusations that he ever ignored or failed to report abuse of women or students.

"For my words, demeanor, sentiments, or disposition to have been twisted to suggest the very antithesis to who I am and the biblical message I have presented over half a century not only is crushing to me and my family but also inevitably proves hurtful to others in the process," said Patterson, in the letter published by Baptist Press. "I have never sought to inflict hurt upon a woman or man."

The school's board of trustees first removed Patterson as president on May 23, but made him president emeritus. A week later, the board's executive committee fired him and stripped him of all benefits.

On top of mishandling the student's allegations, Patterson came under fire this spring for past comments he made about women's appearances and domestic abuse. He addressed criticism of his remarks in his letter to Southern Baptists.

"A poor choice of words has occurred, in and out of the pulpit, over decades of ministry," Patterson said. "I regret each case in which my heart and message were not clearly presented."

Controversy and a push to withdraw

As criticism against Patterson grew, so did the calls for him to step down or be removed as the convention sermon speaker.

Last year, the voting members of the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. picked Patterson to deliver the key sermon for the 2018 annual meeting. Southern Baptists have long admired Patterson for the key role he played in the denomination's conservative shift.

But Gaines explained in a May 11 article in the Baptist Press that only the voting body at the upcoming meeting in Dallas could remove Patterson as speaker if he does not step down. Patterson's withdrawal means the convention can avoid such a vote.

Kie Bowman, the pastor of Hyde Park Baptist Church and Quarries Church in Austin, Texas, is the alternate and will replace Patterson. Bowman attended Southwestern seminary, according to his website. Patterson praised Bowman in his letter.

"My hope and confidence is that all will pray for him as he preaches and will hear him gladly," Patterson said.

The convention sermon is scheduled for Wednesday morning.

Follow Holly Meyer on Twitter: @HollyAMeyer