
National Park Service: Beware of rolling poop

GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK, — The Great Smoky Mountains National Park has issued an unusual warning, alerting people to watch for rolling poop.

The national park also released video showing a tumblebug rolling a ball of animal dung.

The tumblebug is one of the many beetles found in the Smokies that relies on animal scat to complete its life cycle.


Park officials said the female tumblebug will lay only one egg inside a ball of dung, allowing the developing larvae to have all the resources it needs.

The male bug then helps bury the balls of dung in the ground for safe keeping.

In the end it's a win-win for the insect and park visitors. Officials said the beetles do hikers a favor by keeping trails free of decomposing animal dung, so please don't step on them.

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