
Georgia 6-year-old dies after sudden heart attack on baseball field


ROCK SPRINGS, Ga. — A 6-year-old north Georgia boy died last week after he had a heart attack on the baseball field while preparing to pose for a team photo.

According to WTVC, Brantley Chandler of Chickamauga collapsed Thursday as he and fellow members of the Rock Springs Mustangs prepared for the picture. He died a few hours later, the station reported.

Brantley's mother, Meghan Bryson, said her son suffered from hypoplastic left heart syndrome. According to the CDC, about 960 babies are born with the condition, which stunts the development of the heart's left side, annually in the United States.


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The Chickamauga Elementary School first-grader and Mustangs team catcher "loved playing baseball," his obituary said.

"When he was not playing baseball, Brantley could be found enjoying what the outdoors had to offer," the obituary continued. "He loved hunting, fishing, spending time with his hunting dog 'Boss,' riding four-wheelers and playing in the mud, getting his boots dirty."

He is survived by his parents, step-parents, two sisters and a brother.

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