
Neighbors appalled after man builds large concrete swastika in his front yard


EL SOBRANTE, Calif. — Some people in a California neighborhood are appalled after a man built a giant swastika in his front yard.

The Nazi symbol was made out of concrete in what used to be a dirt lot.

Neighbors said the sight is just plain offensive and it kills the resale value of homes in the area.


There are similar symbols on the man's handrail and around his doorbell, but he claims his new sign has nothing to do with Nazi Germany.

"It's a Tibetan sign that's way back before swastikas were invented," Steve Johnson told KGO.

When asked if he is Tibetan, Johnson, who appears to be Caucasian replied, "I could be."

Some eastern religions do have a similar symbol, but it's pointed counter-clockwise. Johnson's sign, just like the Nazi swastika, has its arms pointing clockwise.