
Gov. Wolf outlines what needs to happen before reopening state economy

HARRISBURG, Pa. — At a press conference Friday, Gov. Tom Wolf outline what needed to happen in the state before reopening the economy.

The plan includes adequate supplies of PPE, enough coronavirus testing available, plans for swift containment of any new outbreaks and continued limitations for large gatherings.

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“Even amidst this despaire, I have hope,” Gov. Wolf said during his speech.

He did not provide a timetable on when the reopening plan would be put into place, but did say the plan will have gradually and regionally.

“Some of our entertainment venues, bars that have big crows, I don’t think we’re going to see that. But you could see offices, you could see manufacturing in some manner,” said County Executive Rich Fitzgerald.

He said the reopening of the state could be something along those lines. Fitzgerald said he is confident Allegheny County will be among the first to get back to work.

But with no timetable, it’s not clear when anything will happen.

In the time being, state health officials issued an order that will go into effect Sunday regarding wearing face masks in public.

There are two main points:

  • Customers at supermarkets and pharmacies must wear masks to enter the store.
  • Customers who have a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask can enter the store without a mask.

Officials are urging retailers to use sound judgement and not get in the way of customers accessing food and pharmacy supplies, even if that means finding alternative ways for customers to get what they need.

More on the impact of that order is in the video below.

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