
Police department debuts Tesla patrol car, says it will save money


BARGERSVILLE, Ind. — The Bargersville Police Department has added an electric vehicle to its fleet, a Tesla Model 3.

They believe electric cars are the future of law enforcement at the local level.

The reasons include the fact that electric vehicles are quieter, outperform their current patrol cars and don't require officers to fill up. A typical officer drives between 80 and 120 miles per shift, well within the "short-range" Model 3's 240-mile range.


The chief said the Tesla also makes sense in terms of being cost-effective.

"Even the tires and the windshield wipers are cheaper on the Tesla than on the Dodge Charger, so just regular police maintenance that we're going to be doing," Chief Todd Bertram told WISH.

The police department estimates it will save taxpayers an average of about $6,000 per year in gas costs, compared to electricity costs.  The Tesla costs about $8,000 more to purchase, but over a five year period, it should be nearly 25 percent less expensive.

The town plans to eventually swap out the department's four Dodge Chargers with more Tesla Model 3s.