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2,600 stamp bags of heroin, cash seized from suspected drug dealer's home


MONONGAHELA, Pa. — Police in Washington County made a big drug bust early Wednesday.

Investigators seized 2,600 stamp bags of heroin and nearly $40,000 from a suspected drug dealer's home.

Monongahela police officers broke down his door and told Channel 11 they found the drugs and money hidden in various spots.


A citizen tip led police to a blue apartment building across an intersection from the police station. Twenty-four hours after that tip, undercover officers watched a drug deal go down, had a warrant and were kicking down the door.

They arrested Aaron Webb, who was lying on the couch. Inside his apartment, they allegedly found 2,600 bags of heroin and nearly $40,000 in cash. The police chief showed Channel 11 everything they allegedly seized, saying it was stashed in hidden compartments and drawers across the apartment.

"The one was an aerosol can," he said. "Took the bottom off and found three bricks (of heroin) inside the can."