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3 police officers, employees at 3 Monroeville businesses test positive for COVID-19


MONROEVILLE, Pa. — Three officers from the Monroeville Police Department have tested positive for COVID-19.

Monroeville Mayor Dr. Nicholas J. Gresock said it has not affected operations of the police department or administration.

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Gresock sent us the following statement:

“The Monroeville Police Department has had three (3) police officers test positive with the Coronavirus. The Municipality of Monroeville is following all Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines with respect to positive tested employees in the workplace. Further, this incident has not affected the operation of the Monroeville Police Department or Administration.”

In addition to the three officers, employees at three businesses in Monroeville have also tested positive for coronavirus: Mad Mex, RoseCliff and Dad’s Pub & Grub.

All three business are temporarily shut down following the positive cases.

Dad’s Pub & Grub has been updating its customers regularly on Facebook and its website. The restaurant said an employee tested positive on June 19, was asymptomatic and last worked there on June 18.

Some employees who worked with that person worked at the business’s Braddock Hills location and on the food truck. The employee who tested positive has been in quarantine, and the entire staff is being tested.

Meanwhile, the employee who tested positive at the Rosecliff Tavern was allegedly exposed by another positive person on Sunday. The entire staff there is also getting tested, and the business won’t reopen until all of those test results come back.

Mad Mex also posted on Facebook regarding its positive case: