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Activists launch online fundraiser with explicit, hateful language against Mayor Peduto

PITTSBURGH — The group trying to impeach Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto is raising money online for legal fees.

The page will not be linked here because it features expletives and calls the mayor names.

Channel 11 reported Monday that activists want to impeach the mayor over his gun control proposal and they want to file criminal complaints against him if the law passes. Cities and towns can't set their own gun restrictions under state law.

Peduto responded defiantly in a tweet saying, "Arrest me. Sue Me. Impeach me."

Tuesday, gun rights supporters were joined by Gov. Tom Wolf in urging lawmakers to enact what they consider common sense gun control.

The rally was organized by the group Cease Fire PA and they have a short list of changes they claim will make a big difference.

The changes include limiting the number of ammunition magazines, implementing universal background checks and banning assault weapons.

"Let's keep in mind we're stronger than hate," Wolf said at the rally. "We need these protections at the state level and at the federal level because it's not just synagogues in Pittsburgh that are at risk."


State lawmakers have made some progress on gun regulations.

Last year, the Legislature passed bills making it so people with a domestic violence ruling against them would have to more quickly surrender their guns.

House Republican leader Bryan Cutler said the state already has fairly comprehensive background checks.

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He also said lawmakers should instead find agreement on improving mental health services.

State lawmakers have introduced universal background check legislation dating back to 2014.

The most recent bill was just introduced last week.

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