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Airsoft gun found in student's backpack on school bus

FILE PHOTO: A 12-year-old student said she was “held hostage” for an hour on a school bus Tuesday by the driver as punishment. 

PITTSBURGH — An airsoft gun was found in a student's backpack on a school bus Tuesday morning, according to a spokesperson for Deer Lakes School District.

A press release from the district said a student at East Union Intermediate Center was showing the gun to classmates on the bus. It was reported to school leaders who said they searched the bag and seized the gun.

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Here's the full release sent to parents Tuesday:

Earlier today, an alert student at East Union Intermediate Center reported to school personnel that another student had a plastic Airsoft gun on the school bus and was showing it to his classmates.

Mrs. Jodi VanderSchaaff, the building’s acting principal, took immediate action and followed our safety procedures and protocols. That process included notifying the district’s threat assessment team, which includes the School Resource Officer from the West Deer Police Department. The student’s bag was subsequently searched and the plastic soft pellet gun seized. There is never any threat to district students or staff. However, we continue to work with our partners at the West Deer PD and the student’s parents to investigate the situation.

This is an opportunity to remind our parents to please always check your child’s bag before they get on the school bus. Also, parents are encouraged to remind their children that they may not bring toy or replica items to school.

Our students’ and staff members’ safety is our top priority.

During this time of heightened concern and distress with regard to school safety, it is important to remember that every person in our community plays a role in helping to keep our school communities safe by reporting concerns promptly, not sharing misinformation, and by taking extra time to build supportive relationships with one another. If you see or hear something troubling or peculiar, always say something.

Thank you for entrusting us with your student’s safety. It is not a responsibility we take lightly.


Janell Logue-Belden, Ed.D.

Superintendent, Deer Lakes School District


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