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All 4th of July festivities cancelled in Brentwood because of pandemic

BRENTWOOD BOROUGH, Pa. — All Fourth of July festivities in Brentwood Borough have been cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic.

People won’t be lining the streets in 2020 for what would have been year 101 for Brentwood’s Fourth of July Parade.

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Officials said the decision was made in the best interest of everyone’s safety.

“We hope that everyone continues to practice proper social distancing as we get through this pandemic so we can have a strong 2021 rebound,” the Brentwood Borough Police Department said.

This isn’t the news I wanted to share with you tonight, but it was decided to cancel all Fourth of July festivities for 2020 in the interest of public safety by Brentwood Council.

Posted by Brentwood Councilman AJ Doyle on Monday, April 20, 2020

Chris Prendergast, who lives in the area, believes cancelling is the right move.

“If it’s passing person to person, come on, it’s gotta happen. I know it’s a big revenue issue for counties and cities, but what’re you gonna do? It’s people you’ve gotta watch out for,” Prendergast said.