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Alleged ISIS supporter in Pittsburgh accused of surveilling, intimidating local FBI agent, wife

PITTSBURGH — Federal charges have been filed against an alleged ISIS supporter in Pittsburgh for surveilling and intimidating a local FBI agent and his wife.

Investigations into Khaled Miah began in early 2019 over extremist comments he made online.

Agents spoke with Miah in September at the FBI building in the South Side.

A short time later, he allegedly began driving to the home of the special agent he spoke with, and posted a picture and personal information of the agent’s wife on a Twitter account she operated.

Investigators obtained images of homemade explosives from Miah’s iCloud account following a search of his home.

Then two weeks ago, Miah tweeted “the zero hour is approaching,” followed by the coordinates of the FBI building in Washington.

In online posts, he also expressed sympathies toward extremist views and ISIS.

Miah has been charged with threatening interstate threatening communications, influencing a federal officer by threats and destroying records in a federal investigation.